Home » Altura Park Neighborhood Association

Altura Park Neighborhood Association

The Altura Park Neighborhood Association consists of all homes that are bordered by Indian School Rd. on the north, Washington St. on the east, Constitution Ave. on the south and Morningside Dr. on the west.

The neighborhood association is registered with the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department as a non-profit organization.

Contact Information

Pay Dues / Become a Member

The Altura Park Neighborhood Association (APNA) has set the annual dues at $20 per household.  By contributing, you are providing support for the numerous activities and events organized by the association throughout the year, as well as helping to maintain the beauty of the park.

There are a few ways to pay your dues:

  1. The quickest and preferred method for paying your dues is by completing your payment onlineJoin.it is the association’s newly implemented online system, specifically designed for the Altura Park Neighborhood Association (APNA), where you can conveniently pay your annual dues or sign up to become a member.  It’s a secure, safe, and fast platform widely used by many Neighborhood Associations.
  2. You can mail or drop off a check to the Treasurer at the following address: 1918 Washington St NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87110.  Please make the check payable to Altura Park Neighborhood Association.
  3. Pay and/or become a member at the annual meeting.

Board Members

At the neighborhood annual meeting, a fluctuating number of Board members (presently 11) are elected to serve alternating two-year terms.

  • Neal Spero, President
  • Robert Jackson*, Vice President
  • Bruce Roach, Treasurer
  • Cristina Parajon, Member
  • Charlie Bachechi*, Member
  • Joyce Kolberg*, Member
  • Nathan Mann*, Member
  • Gregg Flynn, Member
  • Jenna Hunter, Member
  • Debra Heath*, Member

Committee and Meetings

There are five committees:  Park & Trees, Events, Membership, Election, and Saftey.  The annual meeting of the entire membership occurs in September, in the Park.
